Our unique system of blackberry cultivation ensures a year-round production with special varieties. The results are high quality blackberries with a globular aspect and dark purple, even shiny black colors. Our blackberries have a truly sweet flavour with hints of tanginess that vary depending on the variety. In addition, our added value is a service that meets the needs of customers in every aspect such as distribution, volume and packaging. Our philosophy is based on the sole and essential objective: To offer the best blackberries of the highest quality.

delicious flavor
sweet with notes of tartness
contact our agents and they will provide you with a list of all our varieties

Javier Velo
Javier Velo is the heart and soul of our production. An agricultural engineer, he began in the last decade with the production of blackberries, contributing ground-breaking techniques to the production system of this delicate berry. To this day we can say, without reservations, that the blackberries of la Canastita enjoy the highest recognition for quality in the European market. Javier Velo, a grower through and through, just like all the producers of Plus Berries, is more than just a member of the group; he is its essence.


After years of experimental research we have developed a totally innovative production process. The optimization and the exhaustive control of all the process, from planting to customer delivery, ensure our objective: the highest quality. Food security and the traceability of the product are ensured in every stage of the process.

Fundamental phase of the growing process. The plants are given an almost personalized treatment according to their needs, depending on the moment of planting. The young plants are transferred to pots after having spent some time in cold storage to detain their growth.

The hydroponic cultivation technique is used and done in flowerpots hung on trellises in macrotunnel greenhouses. Cultivation incorporates the most cutting-edge technology and is monitored throughout its development phase to ensure fruit quality and productivity standards. A special irrigation system is employed that allows for reduced water consumption.

Key process given the delicacy of the fruit. We employ highly-qualified professionals in the harvesting and a computerized management system for real time data recording.

During receiving, an operator is in charge of quality control through visual recognition so that in cases of anomalies and irregularities in a collected crop, he may give prompt and timely notice to the operators in charge.

pre-cooling in refrigerated chamber
Before handling the fruit and depending on the product and time of year, the fruit is subjected to cooling treatment thus allowing for decreased respiratory activity, a more comfortable handling of the product and a longer life.

quality control
Each person is a quality controller for his or her particular job. However, in addition to the quality control carried out as the fruit enters the plant, a specific quality control is carried out during the handling phase, where possible defects of the fruit, weights, labeling etc. are checked to quickly detect possible errors and notify the workers responsible for remedying them.

The operators take the boxes of fruit harvested in the field and proceed to the selection, weighing and standardization of the fruit contained in bins, later proceeding to the labeling process, after which they are placed in their definitive boxes and finally palletized.

Once the pallet is made, the corners are protected with 4 corners of plastic material of identical height to that of the pallet, which is then wrapped entirely in bands of 20 mm. wide plastic wrap, and secured with metal straps by means of a strapping machine, in order to give rigidity and firmness to the pallet in its subsequent transport and handlingo.

cooling tunnel
These palletized units are immediately carted into the cooler so that they are kept for approximately 8-10 hours at a temperature of 0 to 2° C, establishing enough cooling to start a cold chain to ensure good commercial conditions for their distribution and consumption.

Closed refrigerated trucks are mandated for the distribution of the merchandise, and must be capable of maintaining a temperature of 1 to 2ºC for the entire route. Isothermal or closed vehicles without thermal insulation may only be used in the case of medium-distance domestic shipments.

Nutritional values

Healthy lifestyle
This wonderful little black fruit demonstrates a wide range of health benefits. In the laboratory, blackberry extract helps induce the self-destruction of breast, colon and prostate cancer cells. This fruit also has a significant antibacterial effect.
It has been shown to prevent oxidation caused by ultraviolet light (UV), to protect the liver from free radical damage and to reduce inflammation. It has also been shown to have a protective effect on blood vessels.
Finally, several epidemiological studies provide evidence that increased dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin (carotenoids identified in blackberry pulp) is associated with a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration, a disease of the eyes common among the elderly.